Women in Exhibition’s founder Oana Cipca, is invited as a speaker at the 88th UFI Global Congress in Rotterdam
During the Special Interest Group Female Leadership & Diversity runned by Mary Larkin at the 88th UFI Global Congress in Rotterdam two burning topics will be discussed: the imposter syndrome from a personal perspective and how women can find a role model to help climbing the ladder.
Launched in March 2021, the Female Leadership Special Interest Group focusses on empowering women in the industry: help them to shape their career paths! As gender equality is in our interest as human beings both for women and for men! Diverse thinking is crucial for success of a company, people from different genders and cultural backgrounds bring to the table new points of view, “outside the box” thinking and economic benefits.
SIG Femal Leadership wants to raise awareness and extend support for more gender equality in the exhibitions industry. UFI just like Women in Exhibitions is ready to discuss new approaches to transform companies’ culture and drive change.
In a panel with Mary Larkin from Diversified Communications USA and Sophie Holt from Explori, we are ready to spread optiminism for beter times for women in our industry.
Oana is the founder of the Women in Exhibitions network and a great ambassador of promoting women for leadership positions in our industry and through the large communities in the DACH area, UK, North America and Middle East.
#womeninexhibitions #femaleleadership #networking #uficongress #meccmaastricht
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